What Can You Make with Leftover Cannaoil?
Even if you only have a tiny bit left, there are many things that you can do with the last of your precious cannaoil. You actually have several options to choose from.
Note: Making your own home-craft and culinary infusions couldn’t be easier with the LĒVO home infuser. From oils to butter, creams to crafts, culinary to confectionary- LĒVO has you covered.
Storing Leftover Cannaoil
Cannaoil is an incredibly versatile ingredient. You can use it in edible recipes, for skincare regimens, and even for household cleaning items. If you can’t quite choose what you want to do with your remaining infused ingredient, it will refrigerate or freeze well- holding steady until you need it.
The temperature is stable so that the oil won’t congeal and melt repeatedly. Just make sure you label the container as infused cannaoil, so it isn’t confused with regular oil.
Another option is to freeze your cannaoil. Put the oil in a dark, non-glass container and put it in the freezer. You can leave it in there for months, and you might even forget about it.
The next time you make infused oil with your infusion machine, you can melt the leftover cannaoil and add it to the new batch. You won’t notice a difference in the consistency or flavor. The freezer will preserve the cannabinoids and terpenes so the oil will not lose any of its original medicinal effects.
When you are ready to use your refrigerated or frozen cannaoil, heat the glass jar up a shallow in a pot of water, on the stovetop. Make sure to only heat it just enough to liquefy it.
If you want to use your leftover cannaoil without freezing or refrigerating, here are some other options.
Other Recipe Options
Try using your cannaoil as a wood polisher. Believe it or not, the cannabinoids will protect the wood, and with a little polishing, you will notice a bright sheen on your wood. Just a little dab on a polishing towel is enough.
You can always cook with your cannaoil. Just about anything that you bake in the oven that calls for oil, you can substitute cannaoil. Drizzle your finished food with cannaoil to protect the THC from the heat of frying. If you don’t want to have the full effects of the cannaoil in certain items you cook, consider diluting the cannaoil with some regular cooking oil.
You can use olive oil, vegetable, or canola oil to dilute your cannaoil. Another option would be to mix it with strongly flavored oil, such as sesame seed oil. Here’s some more information on how long infused oils last.
You can also make a classic oil and vinegar salad dressing. The flavor of the herb in the cannaoil goes extremely well with salads. You can dilute the cannaoil with regular oil if you don’t want the salad dressing to be too strong.
Make a whole batch of salad dressing and store it in an airtight container in the refrigerator for months. You will have your go-to salad dressing ready for any salad that you might make. Plus, you can use your salad dressing for dipping your chicken tenders in, or for putting on a special sandwich.
Another option is to use your leftover cannaoil to make a dessert topping. You can make a chocolate sauce with your leftover cannaoil that will go great on ice cream. You can dunk your cookies in it if you’d like. Use your chocolate sauce in baking when you want a little more chocolate flavor. Or you can put your chocolate sauce in a glass of milk to make a lovely glass of chocolate milk.
Here is a quick and simple recipe to make a chocolate sauce using your leftover cannaoil.
Contact Us for More Information on Home Infusing Machines
If you would like more information on how to use home infusion machines to create a range of infused ingredients, please contact a LĒVO representative. We are happy to discuss how a home infusing machine can help you create infused, healthy meals and more. For even better context, instruction and guidance on how to master the process of making homemade edibles including basics like cannaoil, check out LĒVO’s 1 hour Elevated Edibles Masterclass.
Isn’t It Time To Expand Your Repertoire Of Culinary, Confectionery, And Craft Arts Into The World Of Home Infusions?
LĒVO has a library of recipes, educational content, calculators, photos, and MORE available on our website, or visit us on YouTube to see videos of recipes and our products in action! Not sure where to start? Take the LĒVO Quiz to see which machine is right for you! #LĒVOmade

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